Thursday, October 20, 2011

Supplies per customer request

At the Apple and Pork festival in September, I had more than one customer ask me if I could make "binky clips"...pacifier clips. Sure. I can make them. They are easy enough. Stupid easy actually. But if you don't have a machine, a snap press, and the clips/adapters, no they are not easy. So this morning I received my shipping confirmation that the clips and adapters were mailed to me! Sweet. I'll have a few clips sewn in time for my next show - the Bloomington Band Aides Craft Show. This is at a high school sponsored by their band. I'm excited about it!

I have also had some customers with very large and strong dogs express concern about my dog collars. Keep in mind, my dog collars are sewn the exact same way every other seamstress sews her collars. So, to try and satisfy these customers, I have also found a supplier for metal fasteners and adjusters for the large and x-large dog collars.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Busy mama!

I really must get better at posting, not that anyone reads these posts. But writing, I think, much like music, is therapeutic for me. So here's what's been going on lately:

  1. Shows are going strong for the rest of the year. I am going to be participating in 3rd Saturday shows in Arthur, IL for the rest of the year, as well as a Homestead Show in Arthur. This is a local town with a high Amish population and I love it. I will also be doing two shows in Mt. Zion, IL. In addition to those, I'll be showing in Bloomington, IL and a Band craft show and here in Decatur at an elementary school bazaar.
  2. Sewing - oh lordy brother. This is hard to find time for. But I am starting to find time in the afternoon to sew and so I've just finished a stack of Anastasia pouches, the small size for make-up. I am going to work on a larger size too. I also cut and have started sewing 81 flash drive cozies. 
  3. Networking - this has been a huge dedication of time for me lately, and one I've enjoyed. I now have a friend to accompany me to my shows and have also found a wonderful group of mamas online who have their own businesses too. It's really great to find these people to network with and to discuss new ideas and help spread the word about our creations! 
  4. Oh and my babies. They are SO cute! Liam has been crawling for a full month and Kristoffer just started crawling today. Niklas is reaping the benefits of his twin baby brothers getting older and settling into a better routine by getting more mommy time. The babies are finally starting to sleep and wake together which allows me to give Niklas that much-needed mommy time. And, it helps with his behavior because he still feels special. Can't beat that! :)
And here is my proudest moment of late, with regard to the business anyway:

"I got my key fob today and it is GORGEOUS! The quality is amazing- not that I expected anything less! Thanks again. I love it! It will get a ton of use, I'm sure."

That was a comment from the winner of my giveaway on my FB page.  Don't forget to "like" my FB page because that is where you are sure to find out about giveaways and discount codes.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have been super busy crafting of late! In addition to sewing dog collars in breast cancer awareness and Halloween fabrics, I have been playing around with Pinterest. I LOVE this website for organizing all of your neat ideas. Check out this link: Styroform Art

I had loads of fun creating this! I used fabric instead of scrapbooking paper an mod-podged an assortment of my favorite music and Paris themed fabrics to Styrofoam. Here is the end result:

Now I am working on mod-podging photos to artist stretched canvas for this project. Fun fun fun!